Dining Out


Hot Breakfast & Coffee  (200m walk)

Address: 402a Maitland Rd, Mayfield NSW 2304

Phone: 0478 955 256

Lunch at Mega Burgers  (across the road from reign inn)

Image result for mega burgers mayfield

Image result for mega burgers mayfield

Address: 436 Maitland Rd, Mayfield West NSW 2304   
Phone: (02) 4967 7786


Star Buffet at Mayfield MEX Club

58 Hanbury St, Mayfield NSW 2034

(02) 4968 4411


Stag and Hunter Hotel

187 Maitland Rd, Mayfield  0249681205


Bistro 284 at the Mayfield Hotel

284 Maitland Rd. Mayfield

Mayfield Bowling Club

Address: Dangar Park, 2a Ingall St, Mayfield

Phone: (02) 4968 1761

HoWah Restaurant

Address: 174 Maitland Rd, Mayfield NSW 2304

Phone: (02) 4967 1601

Bamboo Palace Chinese Restaurant

Address: 292/286 Maitland Road, Mayfield NSW 2304

Phone:(02) 4967 3438

Ruan Kao Thai  

248 Maitland Rd, Mayfield NSW 2304    

Ph:  02 4960 3667

More Restaurants located at Beaumont St, Hamilton (5 min drive)

Check out this link:
